@misc{Orieščiková_Helena_Inštitucionálna, author={Orieščiková, Helena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris Universitetas}, language={sk}, abstract={Elderly care is considered as team, multidisciplinary and multi-agency care nowdays and it is an issue for society as a whole. Its target is to ensure as much as possible the health of seniors and their ability to live quality and independent life as long as possible in their regular environment.}, abstract={The desire to be among their loved ones in a familiar environment and to have own privacy has been stimulating the development of non-institutional care in recent years. Many seniors, individuals with severe disabilities and their family members do not know about these newer forms and therefore they usually choose the classic form of care.}, title={Inštitucionálna starostlivosť o zdravie seniora = Institutional health care for the elderly}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={seniorzy, opieka zdrowotna, opieka społeczna, starość, seniors, health care, social care, old age}, }