@misc{Pierzchała_Kazimierz_Resocjalizująca, author={Pierzchała, Kazimierz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris Universitetas}, language={pol}, abstract={Movement and physical fitness play a very important role in the life of every human being. Sports and recreational activities have long played a significant role in the institutional process of resocialisation of socially maladjusted people. These activities are eagerly supported by the educators of the institutions, and for the pupils are an excellent opportunity to demonstrate fitness, while rebounding accumulated tensions and frustrations.}, abstract={Sport and recreation concerns many areas, including physical and health fitness, mental, intellectual, social and aesthetic development. Physical activity of people often provides a lot of positive reinforcements from the social margin and significantly improves the well-being, directing the positive image of society.}, title={Resocjalizująca rola sportu i rekreacji osób niedostosowanych społecznie = Resocializing role of sport and recreation of socially maladjusted people}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={resocjalizacja, twórcza resocjalizacja, sport, rekreacja, niedostosowanie społeczne, zachowania dewiacyjne, aktywność ruchowa, kultura fizyczna, kreatywna zmiana, deprywacja sensoryczna, resocialization, creative rehabilitation, recreation, social maladjustment, deviant behaviour, physical activity, physical culture, creative change, sensory deprivation}, }