@misc{Czaposki_Michał_Nauka, author={Czaposki, Michał}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Kraków ; Skarbona: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów}, language={pol}, abstract={Justification for the need to teach accompanist in reading scores - the need to synchronize performance - the need for thorough knowledge of performed piece - the need for pedagogical and rehersal purposes. Defining in the terms of the score (notes for the band),of the accompanist (musician dealing with the accompaniment), of the accompaniment (harmonic, rhythmic or color complement in the musical composition and musical complement of other activities).}, abstract={Accompaniment in solo works, including single-voiced ones, accompaniment duplicating the solo part - in the right or left hand. Adaptation of notes for Hammond organ to piano texture. Reading the accompaniment notes of the solo part. Beginning of reading a song from the soloist part as a condition of getting to know the song properly.}, abstract={The decisive role of verbal text in vocal works. Care for proper pronunciation and understanding of foreign language texts. Knowledge of C keys as transposition aid}, title={Nauka czytania partytur dla akompaniatorów - pierwszy etap = Learning to read scores for accompanists - introduction}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={akompaniament, akompaniator, klucz altowy, klucz basowy, klucz mezzosopranowy, klucz tenorowy, klucz wiolinowy, nuta kluczowa, partia solowa, partytura, solista, tonacja, transpozycja, znaki chromatyczne przygodne, znaki chromatyczne przykluczowe, accidentals, accompaniment, accompanist, alto clef, bass clef, form of clef, key, key signature, mezzo-soprano clef, score, solo part, soloist, tenor clef, transposition, treble clef}, }