@misc{Owczarek_Magdalena_Kantorowskie, author={Owczarek, Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Kraków ; Skarbona: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów}, language={pol}, abstract={The article presents the most important sources of inspiration for the creative process of creating a two-part musical-choreographic performance ?Pars pro toto?, which was created in the Academy of Music in Łódź, in the field of eurhythmics. It was probably the first full-scale author's performance in the history of Polish eurhythmics prepared at the Academy of Music. For students, participating in the process of creating a theater performance is an extraordinary experience, so different from everyday lectures and exercises.}, abstract={The premiere of ?Pars pro toto I? and ?Pars pro toto II? took place on October 31, 2017 at the Concert Hall of the Academy of Music in Łódź.}, abstract={Tadeusz Kantor (1915-1990) is one of the most prominent Polish theatre makers of the 20th century. The avant-garde artist who was active in many fields of art. Painter, set designer, performer, art theoretician, author of manifestos and texts on art, but first of all an outstanding theatre artist. The author of famous performances, such as ?The Dead Class?, ?Wielopole, Wielopole?, ?I will never return here?, ?Today is my birthday?. Andrzej Wajda said that the Theatre of Death and ?The Dead Class? by Tadeusz Kantor are the greatest theatrical works created in the 20th century.}, abstract={Tadeusz Kantor, his ideas, artistic, theatrical and paratheatrical works had a significant impact on the artistic shape of ?Pars pro toto?. While I was preparing my original performance titled ?Pars pro toto?, it was Tadeusz Kantor that frequently came to mind and inspired me in many ways. Kantor's ideas had an impact on the construction of the script, the structure and message of the performance, on stage design, selection of stageprops and movement-related actions. They are not direct inspirations, the ones that would result in a performance imitating Kantor's performances stylistically, as the author of ?The Dead Class? cannot be copied.}, abstract={The musical material of the ?Pars pro toto? performance comprises pieces associated with broadly understood minimalism, i.e. the works composed in the 20th and 21st centuries both by Polish composers - TomaszSikorski and Zygmunt Krauze - and by foreign ones, like Jóhann Jóhansson, Arvo Pärt, John Cage, Max Richter and Gavin Bryars.}, abstract={There have been fourteen movement interpretations prepared for the performance. Fragments of the spectacle were presented live at two international conferences in Łódź, and film recordings of selected interpretations from the performance - in Canada, Germany, Switzerland and Poland.}, title={Kantorowskie inspiracje w spektaklu muzyczno-ruchowym Magdaleny Owczarek pt. "Pars pro toto" = Inspirations by Kantor in the "Pars pro toto" musical-choreographic performance of Magdalena Owczarek}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Kantor, Tadeusz (1915-1990), minimalizm, walc, interpretacja, inspiracja, spektakl muzyczno-ruchowy, minimalism, waltz, interpretation, inspiration, musical-choreographic performance}, }