@misc{Kopczyński_Krzysztof_"Olśnienie, author={Kopczyński, Krzysztof}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The discovery in 2006 and a digital reconstruction of successive fragments of a copy of the 1928 film "Pan Tadeusz" ("Sir Thaddeus"), a silent film adaption of Adam Mickiewicz's epic poem of 1834 created for the 10th anniversary of independence, will give audiences a chance to examine the adaptation's premises once more.}, abstract={The author of the article contemplates the sense in comparing the film to the greatest achievements of 1920s cinema and ponders the reasons behind the positive reception of the work by its first audiences. In his opinion, the film's success ought to be sought within the context of the cult of Mickiewicz, and not strictly in the merits of the film.}, title={"Olśnienie w niespokojnym niebie wieszcza". "Pan Tadeusz" Ryszarda Ordyńskiego (1928) - perspektywa wirtualnego odbiorcy = "Illumination in the turbulent sky of the poet". Ryszard Ordyński's film "Sir Thaddeus" (1928) - a virtual viewer's perspective}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={"Pan Tadeusz", adaptacja filmowa, Ordyński, Ryszard Stanisław Kazimierz (1878-1953)}, }