@misc{Radziszewski_Stefan_Aromat, author={Radziszewski, Stefan}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The subject of the study is the novel by Patrick Süskind "Perfume", filmed in two versions: TomTykwer`s "Perfume" and "Jasminum" by Jan Jakub Kolski. Jean Baptiste Grenouille, the main charakter of "Perfume", is a brilliant artist and felon looking for perfection who, by committing suicide, carries out the negation of humanity. Brother Health, one of the characters of "Jasminum", is a humble and hard-working monk, on whom the grace of mystical holiness is bestowed by the Divine Providence.}, abstract={Both works - the literary and the cinematographic - can be analyzed in three directions: the searchfor a magical potion; the hunger for love which accompanies every human being; the fate as a forceshaping human life. Regardless of the interpretation, the common denominator of these twomasterpieces is the thesis that everyone is an artist, and his life can be read as a work of art. Beautyas an aesthetic category is not ethically determined: it can be a path to holiness, while it can also bea path to crime.}, title={Aromat zbrodni ("Pachnidło" Toma Tykwera i "Jasminum" Jana Jakuba Kolskiego) = The aroma of crime ("Perfume" by Tom Tykwer and "Jasminum" by Jan Jakub Kolski)}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Süskind, Patrick (1949- ), "Pachnidło", adaptacja filmowa}, }