@misc{Kubasiewicz_Mirosława_Pani, author={Kubasiewicz, Mirosława}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The prose of Virginia Woolf poses a great challenge to film makers due to its focus on the innerlives of the characters rather than their external reality. Woolf `s portrait of the eponymous characterof "Mrs Dalloway" is not direct - she draws it obliquely, following her conviction that human life is"a luminous halo, a semi-transparent envelope" and so the full truth of it can never be gained.}, abstract={The technique of stream of consciousness used extensively by Woolf does not translate easily into thefilm language, and yet three of her novels have already been turned into films. Among them there is"Mrs Dalloway" , adapted by Marleen Gorris (director) and Eileen Atkinson (script writer) in 1997. Thefilm portrait of the novel`s heroine invites an existential interpretation.}, abstract={Clarissa Dalloway is show as a person aware of contingency and transitoriness of human existence, and of human metaphysical solitude. But she is also a person who sees beauty in everyday life; that is why she gives parties - they are her "offering" to life which she loves. In about eleven hours which the story spans, Clarissa not only prepares and hosts the party but also contemplates her life.}, abstract={All day long her thoughts return to her youth, she has a very strong sense of the passing of time, and experiences a moment of extreme fear; what is more, Peter Walsh, whose love she rejected when they were young, unexpectedly pays her a visit. All this is a preparation stage for what is going to happen in the evening. At the party Clarissa hears about the suicide of a young man.}, abstract={This confrontation with death has a tremendous effect on her. She feels devastated but soon her despair changes into strength which makes it possibile for her to accept her own finitude and to face life; now she is certain of the rightness of her past decisions and, most importantly, of who she is.}, title={Pani Dalloway spotkanie ze śmiercią. O filmowej interpretacji powieści Virginii Wolf = Mrs Dalloway`s encounter with death. On the film interpretation of Virginia Wolf`s novel}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Woolf, Adeline Virginia (1882-1941), adaptacja filmowa}, }