@misc{Polkowska_Laura_Profile, author={Polkowska, Laura}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The scetch is dedicated to the concept of justice in contemporary Polish weeklies. In the article, I use the profiling method developed by Jerzy Bartmiński and his team from Lublin. In the analysis, I take into account the differences between how liberal (?Newsweek? and ?Polityka?) and conservative (?Do Rzeczy? and ?W Sieci?) weeklies present justice.}, abstract={As a result, five main profiles of this value were distinguished: 1. justice is punishment for guilt, 2. justice is revenge, 3. justice is equal chances, 4. justice is compensation for harm, 5. justice is equality before the law. Not all of them can be found in both types of periodicals.}, title={Profile sprawiedliwości we współczesnej prasie opinii = The profiles of justice in contemporary Polish weeklies}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={sprawiedliwość, wartość, profilowanie, tygodniki opinii, semantyka, justice, values, linguistic profiling, weeklies, semantic}, }