@misc{Szymańska_Monika_Wybrane, author={Szymańska, Monika}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The corpus-based analysis presented in this paper includes selected aspects of the functioning of the adjective "piękny" ("beautiful"), connected with evaluating and referring to the aesthetic category, in the daily press after 1989.}, abstract={The aim of this analysis is to investigate how the adjective ?piękny? functions in three types of constructions that it co-builds with grammatical and lexical indices of intensity. These types of constructions are: gradual forms of the adjective ?piękny?, its connections with the grammaticalized intensifier ?bardzo? (?very?), and its connections with degree adverbs. The distribution of the particular constructions in the part of the corpus containing texts appearing in the daily press has been compared with their distribution in the entire corpus. This will allow us to identify i.a. the most significant properties of the adjective ?piękny? in press texts.}, title={Wybrane wykładniki intensywności cechy określanej przymiotnikiem "piękny" w prasie codziennej po 1989 roku. Analiza korpusowa = Some indicators of intensity of the quality named by the adjective "beautiful" in the daily press after 1989. Corpus-based analysis}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={wykładniki intensywności, stopień przymiotnika, przysłówki stopnia, gramatyka konstrukcji, analiza korpusowa, indicators of intensity, degree of an adjective, adverbs of degree, Construction Grammar, corpus-based analysis}, }