@misc{Ast_Anna_Wartości, author={Ast, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={It is commonly known that sport, or physical culture in general, is the source and reflection of human ideals and values that are worth striving foroku. This article constitutes one of many pieces of evidence that sport is a rich source of values and anti-values.}, abstract={The author pays particular attention to social and cultural values which were presented between 1935-1945 in "Przegląd Sportowy" magazine. The chosen period limit allowed for the analysis of the values right before and after World War II. Consequently, the author attempts to answer the following questions: what kind of values did "Przegląd Sportowy" represent? Have these values changed, and if so, how?}, title={Wartości społeczne i kulturowe obecne w "Przeglądzie Sportowym" w latach 1935-1945 = The social and cultural values present in the "Sport Review" in the years 1935-1945}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={literatura, sport, wartości, poezja sportowa, kultura fizyczna, czasopiśmiennictwo, społeczeństwo, literature, values, sports poetry, phisical culture, periodicals, society}, }