@misc{Grabias-Banaszewska_Katarzyna_Ogłoszenie, author={Grabias-Banaszewska, Katarzyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article puts the thesis that "Gazeta Warszawska" is a perfect material for the study of ethical attitudes of 18th-century society. The text is based on a thematic bibliography. The reflections are centered around the column "Reports from Warsaw" containing announcements concerning the search for missing persons, things and animals.}, abstract={When analyzing the adverts we learn what the moral and ethical condition of man and what problems our ancestors have faced. The text is meant to draw attention to how valuable a historical source can be a press release.}, title={Ogłoszenie prasowe źródłem wiedzy o kondycji etycznej człowieka. Wyimek z bibliografii tematycznej "Gazety Warszawskiej" R. 1789 = Press release is a source of knowledge about the ethical condition of man. The essay from the thematic bibliography "Gazeta Warszawska" R. 1789}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={historia prasy, ogłoszenia prasowe, Warszawa - 18 w., monopol prasowy, press story, newspaper advertisement, Press Monopoly, Warsaw - 18th.}, }