@misc{Sokołowska_Katarzyna_"Ochroniarze", author={Sokołowska, Katarzyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The "Kontrasty" Magazine, published in Białystok, became a newly found forum for reporters since its 1975, Vol. 4 issue. That was the result of a writing competition on Podlasie`s post-war history, announced that same year. Awarded works dealt with various aspects of Polish rural life such as the migration of young generations of farmers to cities. Many of them were written along the lines of socialist propaganda of the economic success marking the period of the early 1970s. Here we focus our attention specifically on Wojciech Giełżynski`s feature article "New things are coming to Augustow".}, abstract={The article aims to depict the needs of Polish society of the 1970s, but also reflects the typical values propagated by the communist government during that period along with Gierek?s promises to significantly raise every citizen`s standard of living. While reconstructing the debate on the intended tourist use of the Augustow Chanel and its surrounding area a conflict between the consumption-driven populace and a small group of Polish ecologists and reporters arises, who in turn are advocating the primacy of nature over human progress. Giełżynski`s article sympathizes with the idea of the "humanized landscape", claims the supremacy of mankind over natural world and states the rejuvenation of the common man as the main purpose of the latter.}, title={"Ochroniarze" kontra determinizm historyczny. Walka na wartości w "Turnieju Reporterów 74" białostockich "Kontrastów" = "Protectors" vs. historical determinism. A battle of values in "1974 Non-fiction Contest" held by Białystok`s "Kontrasty" Magazine}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={publicystyka, socjalizm, propaganda, PRL, ekolodzy, journalism, socialist system, ecologists}, }