@misc{Węgorowska_Katarzyna_Kobieta, author={Węgorowska, Katarzyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The subject of the text is a polemic against Andrzej Zawada`s thesis, who claims that one of the most popular women`s magazines "Moja Przyjaciołka. Ilustrowany Dwutygodnik Kobiecy" which appeared between 1934 and 1939 was addressed to "women of lower education".}, abstract={Using verbal testimonies recorded in one of the last issues of the interwar Żnin periodical (titles, subheading, content of individual articles and advertisements) the autor of the remarks proves that the reader was a woman who, due to her intellectual and manual predisposition, can be described as "versatile".}, abstract={This versatility, however, is according to the researcher, a complementary value co-formed by: knowledge, culture, wisdom, reason, empathy, altruism, openness to people and the word, friendship, partnership, conscious motherhood, modernity, tradition, patriotism, elegance, refinement, respect for life and health, sense of own dignity and self-worth? - attributes of the interwar Polish woman.}, title={Kobieta wszechstronna utrwalona na łamach dwunastego numeru "Mojej Przyjaciółki" z 25 czerwca 1939 roku (uwagi lingwistyczno-kulturologiczne) = A versatile woman preserved in "Moja Przyjaciółka" issue 12, April 25, 1939 (linguistic-cultural remarks)}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={kobieta, czasopismo kobiece, wartość, wszechstronność, język , woman, woman`s magazine, values, versatility, language}, }