@misc{Łukasiewicz_Dariusz_Z, author={Łukasiewicz, Dariusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The process of professionalisation consisted in involving another occupations by school preparation. It concerned also the teaching profession. Some teachers had university preparation in the Middle Ages and from the 16th century Jesuits teaching colleges were present. However, the overwhelming majority of teachers in lower schools did not have professional preparation. A greater impact on changes in this range was pul in the Enlightenment period and the process was more advanced in Prussia than in the Republic of Poland.}, abstract={The article is devoted to teaching colleges in the Prussian province called South Prussia, so the Polish territories seized by Prussia in the second and partly in the third partition of Poland. Pursuant to sources from the Polish Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw the author analyses the activity of the college in Sulechów in the New March which had been preparing teachers for South Prussia since 1810. In South Prussia there were colleges in Poznań and Łowicz and their activity bas been studied. In the times of the Duchy of Warsaw colleges in Poznań and Łowicz continued their function. The article also contains the characteristics of activity of the prominent educational reformer and author of teaching colleges, Józef Jeziorowski.}, title={Z dziejów profesjonalizacji. Seminaria nauczycielskie w Prusach Południowych (1793-1806) i seminarium Sulechowskie = From the times of professionalisation. Teaching colleges in South Prussia (1793-1806) and the college in Sulechow}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Prusy Południowe, edukacja i pedagogika, seminarium nauczycielskie, Sulechów (woj. lubuskie) - Królewskie Pedagogium, historia - 18-19 w.}, }