@misc{Królikowski_Janusz_Początki, author={Królikowski, Janusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={The history of the biblical text constitutes one of the significant threads in the history of humanity and especially in the history of the West. The Latin version of the biblical text has been particularly inscribed in history.}, abstract={This version, inconspicuous at the beginning, became the paramount element of the Church life and its diverse influence. The subject of this study is the reconstruction of those origins up to the times of St. Jerome, whose life and contribution were permanently inscribed in the history of the Latin text of the Bible.}, abstract={In particular, we endeavour to display what literary and theological criteria were applied while creating Bible`s text in Latin and what their meaning was. Concurrently, we try to emphasise the contribution of certain theorists who actively participated in this theological and cultural process.}, title={Początki łacińskiego tekstu pisma świętego = The origins of the Latin text of Holy Scripture}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Pismo Święte, język łaciński, język grecki, kultura starożytna, literatura łacińska, Holy Scripture, Latin, Greek, ancient culture, Latin literature}, }