@misc{Butewicz_Walery_Zbigniew, author={Butewicz, Walery}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={This article analyses Zbigniew Herbert`s attitude towards psychoanalysis. The legacy of the Polish poet is prevalent among literary scholars. However, until now - as far as I know - no work has been written that would analyse Herbert`s work in the context of psychoanalysis.}, abstract={This sketch attempts to fill this gap, but not in the sense of interpreting individual works. It aims to answer the question: why researchers ignore psychoanalytical threads and do not use psychoanalytical tools. The poet`s attitude towards psychoanalysis was ambivalent.}, abstract={On the one hand, in public statements, Herbert emphasised his reluctance to Freud and psychoanalysis. On the other hand, a lot strongly indicates that he was not indifferent to this intellectual tradition, which, moreover, agrees with the main principle of Herbert`s poetic practice, escribed by the poet in one of the interviews: "The principle of your own opinions questionability. It is the principle of internal dialogue and dialectical tension between preached reason and reason that negates it".}, title={Zbigniew Herbert, Zygmunt Freud, psychoanaliza, psychologia głębi, świadomość, podświadomość = Zbigniew Herbert, Sigmund Freud, psychoanalysis, depth psychology, consciousness, unconsciousness}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Herbert, Zbigniew (1924-1998), Freud, Zygmunt (1856-1939), psychoanaliza, psychologia głębi, świadomość, podświadomość, Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939), psychoanalysis, depth psychology, consciousness, unconsciousness}, }