@misc{Koteluk_Daniel_Osada, author={Koteluk, Daniel}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Czerwieńsk rural settlement of Zielona Gora District during the years 1945-1947. InFebruary 1945, Czerwieńsk, located north of Zielona Gora and near the Odra River, was occupied by Soviet soldiers of the 3rd Guards Army of the First Ukrainian Front. War damage on these formerly German lands was minor, it was estimated from 2% to 3%. Following the Potsdam Conference, northern and western territories, including Czerwieńsk, became a part of the Polish State.}, abstract={From 1945 to 1947 Czerwieńsk administratively belonged to Zielona Gora District. In November 1945 after being inhabited by the Polish people it lost its municipal rights and became a rural settlement; 63 families were registered that year in Czerwieńsk. The St. Wojciech Parish was ministered by a parish priest Ignacy Zoń until he was unjustifiably imprisoned by communist authorities.}, abstract={Local armed incidents were put to an end during the years 1945-1947; the opposition under the aegis of Polish People`s Party was destroyed as well. As a result the Polish Workers` Party gained all the power in Czerwieńsk.}, title={Osada wiejska Czerwieńsk w powiecie zielonogórskim w latach 1945-1947 = Czerwieńsk rural settlement of Zielona Gora District during the years 1945-1947}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Czerwieńsk, powiat zielonogórski, Polska Partia Robotnicza (PPR), Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe, Zoń, Ignacy (ksiądz; 1915-1967), Zielona Gora District, Polish Workers` Party, Polish People`s Party}, }