@misc{Sikorski_Juliusz_Ocena, author={Sikorski, Juliusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The views and attitudes of the clergy in the People`s Republic of Poland constituted an area of particular interest for the party-state authorities. Hence, the practice of regular conversations with priests in the 1940s has permanently entered the catalog of activities of the state apparatus, becoming also a means of implementing religious policy.}, abstract={The article was analyzed by the document prepared in the Provincial Committee of the Polish United Workers` Party in Zielona Gora summarizing the talks conducted by the Presidents of the Presidium of the District National Councils in the period from January 1, 1964 to June 30, 1966.}, abstract={In total, 1241 individual meetings and 9 collective meetings took place. In the space of such a short period, there is clearly a growing tension on the line between the State and Church related to the events of the middle of the decade, and the statistical relationship between the number of conversations with parish priests and the total number of meetings shows that on average every year they were summoned to the seat of district authorities at least two times.}, abstract={The issues of the meeting were determined by the following issues: tax issues, the functioning of catechetical points, public gatherings and gatherings, the famous message to German bishops, sacred buildings and hostile speeches.}, abstract={When assessing the course of talks at the Polish United Workers` Party in Zielona Gora it was recognized that they often influenced the attitude and behavior of the clergy. This view is unavoidable, however, without doubt, they did not affect the environment of local priests.}, title={Ocena postaw duchowieństwa rzymskokatolickiego województwa zielonogórskiego wobec polityki wyznaniowej PRL w połowie lat 60. XX wieku w świetle analizy Komitetu Wojewódzkiego PZPR w Zielonej Górze = Assessment of the attitude of the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church in Zielona Gora towards the religious policy of the Polish People`s Republic in the mid-1960s in the light of the analysis of the Provincial Committee of the Polish United Workers Party in Zielona Gora}, type={artykuł}, keywords={państwo, kościół, województwo zielonogórskie, postawy duchowieństwa, state, church, Province of Zielona Gora, attitude of the clergy}, }