@misc{Królikowski_Andrzej_Self-tuning, author={Królikowski, Andrzej and Jerzy, Damian}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={The handling of various input constraints in the self-tuning generalized predictive control (STGPC) problem of ARIMAX/ARMAX systems is considered. The methods based on the Lagrange multipliers and Lemke's algorithm are used to solve the constrained optimization problem. A self-tuning controller is implemented in an indirect way, and the considered constraints imposed on the control input signal are of the rate, amplitude and energy types.}, abstract={A comparative simulation study of self-tuning control system behaviour is given with respect to the design parameters and constraints. The stability of a closed-loop control system is analyzed and the computational loads of both the methods are compared.}, title={Self-tuning generalized predictive control with input constraints}, type={artykuł}, keywords={generalized predictive control, constraints, self-tuning, ARIMAX/ARMAX systems}, }