@misc{De_Cock_Martine_A, author={De Cock, Martine and Kerre, Etienne E.}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={We present a framework of L-fuzzy modifiers for L being a complete lattice. They are used to model linguistic hedges that act on linguistic terms represented by L-fuzzy sets. In the modelling process the context is taken into account by means of L-fuzzy relations, endowing the L-fuzzy modifiers with a clear inherent semantics.}, abstract={To our knowledge, these L-fuzzy modifiers are the first ones proposed that are suitable to perform this representation task for a lattice L different from the unit interval. In the latter case they undoubtedly outperform the traditional representations, such as powering and shifting hedges, from the semantical point of view.}, title={A context-based approach to linguistic hedges}, type={artykuł}, keywords={L-fuzzy modifier, L-fuzzy relation, resemblance relation, linguistic hedge, linguistic variable}, }