@misc{Afifi_Larbi_Enlarged, author={Afifi, Larbi and Chafiai, Abdelhakim and Bel Fekih, Abdelaziz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={In this work, we examine, through the observation of a class of linear distributed systems, the possibility of reducing the effect of disturbances (pollution, etc.), by making observations within a given margin of tolerance using a control term. This problem is called enlarged exact remediability.}, abstract={We show that with a convenient choice of input and output operators (actuators and sensors, respectively), the considered control problem has a unique optimal solution, which will be given. We also study the relationship between the notion of remediability, introduced in previous works, and that of enlarged exact remediability.}, title={Enlarged exact compensation in distributed systems}, type={artykuł}, keywords={distributed systems, remediability, control, actuators, sensors}, }