@misc{Gurfil_Pini_Quantitative, author={Gurfil, Pini}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={The Lp stability of linear feedback systems with a single time-varying sector-bounded element is considered. A sufficient condition for Lp stability, with 1 ? p ? ?, is obtained by utilizing the well-known small gain theorem.}, abstract={Based on the stability measure provided by this theorem, quantitative results that describe output-to-input relations are obtained. It is proved that if the linear time-invariant part of the system belongs to the class of proper positive real transfer functions with a single pole at the origin, the upper bound on the output-to-input ratio is constant.}, abstract={Thus, an explicit closed-form calculation of this bound for some simple particular case provides a powerful generalization for the more complex cases. The importance of the results is illustrated by an example taken from missile guidance theory.}, title={Quantitative Lp stability analysis of a class of linear time-varying feedback systems}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Lpstability, time-varying Lur'e systems, functional analysis}, }