@misc{Żelazko_Piotr_Why, author={Żelazko, Piotr}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={The article is an exegetic analysis of the passage Qoh 7:1-4 from the Book of Ecclesiastes. The excerpt challenges the absolute statement repeated many times throughout the book about the worthlessness of all things ("vanity of vanities"). Some values are recognised as "better" than others which may be the evidence of Qoh's axiology relativity.}, abstract={At first sight, he qualifies the universal lack of values as absolute. The superiority "good name" over "precious oil" denies the supposed meaninglessness (vanity, ephemerality) of everything.}, abstract={The in-depth analysis of other comparisons present in the passage ("the day of death is better than the day of birth", "it is better to go to a mourning house than to a wedding house") shows that a passage which has a pessimistic character due to the elevation of death, may also be interpreted differently. The detailed study of the ancient Hebrew vocabulary in the text also revealed the various levels of the used metaphors.}, title={Why is "the day of death" better than "the day of birth"? The axiology of Qoheleth in the light of the better-proverbs in Qoh 7:1-4 = Dlaczego "dzień śmierci" jest lepszy niż "dzień urodzenia"? Aksjologia Koheleta w świetle przysłów z Koh 7: 1-4}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Hebrew Bible, Qoheleth, Ecclesiastes, Better-proverb, comparisons, Biblia Hebrajska, Kohelet, Księga Eklezjastesa, przysłowie, porównania}, }