@misc{Dawidziak-Kładoczna_Małgorzata_"Schetynówką", author={Dawidziak-Kładoczna, Małgorzata}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={In this article, I deal with derivatives created with the suffix -ówka, motivated by the name of a politician. In total, I collected 53 such units. They were confirmed in 86 meanings. They represent various categories, including names of the roads ("gierkówka", "schetynówka"), villas ("cyrankiewiczówka", "jaroszewiczówka"), financial amounts ("wałęsówka", "religówka"), alcoholic beverages ("Palikotówka", "Misiewiczówka") and names of weapons ("batorówka", "kościuszkówka").}, abstract={The most meaningful formations are: "tuskówka", "korfantówka" i "kuroniówka". The popularity of this confluence is the result of the rich connotations possessed by word-formation bases. Therefore, the meanings of derivatives depend on knowledge and the broadly understood context.}, title={"Schetynówką" do "jaroszewiczówki" na "Palikotówkę" za "kuroniówkę". Rzeczowniki z sufiksem -ówka motywowane nazwiskami polityków = "Schetynówką" do "jaroszewiczówki" na "Palikotówkę" za "kuroniówkę". Nouns with the suffix -ówka motivated by the names of politicians}, type={artykuł}, keywords={słowotwórstwo, derywaty odnazewnicze, konotacje, nazwiska polityków, word-formation, derivatives from surnames, connotations, names of politicians}, }