@misc{Grochala_Beata_Ekologia, author={Grochala, Beata}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={Ecology is an important element of modern human life, and shaping pro-ecological attitudes should start from an early age. Such an initiative comes from, among others, "Viktor Junior" magazine (addressed to children aged 10-12), which devotes a lot of space to the issues of nature, environmental protection, etc.}, abstract={The author of the article analyses selected articles (from 2020) on broadly understood nature. She shows the linguistic means by which a positive evaluation of pro-ecological attitudes and the natural environment is made. The research has shown how to pass ecological values to the young generation in a simple and non-intrusive way devoid of pathos.}, title={Ekologia jako wartość - językowe środki wartościujące w wybranych artykułach w czasopiśmie "Victor Junior" = Ecology as a value - linguistic means of expressing values in selected articles in "Victor Junior" journal}, type={artykuł}, keywords={wartości w wychowaniu, postawa proekologiczna, językowe środki wartościowania, czasopismo młodzieżowe, values in education, pro-ecological attitude, linguistic means of values, magazines for young people}, }