@misc{Piekarz_Danuta_Dobry, author={Piekarz, Danuta}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={Probably in all languages, the basic criteria for assessing people, things or phenomena are aesthetic (nice/ugly) and moral (good/bad) criteria. However, the terms belonging to these two categories alternate, expressing more generally positive or negative assessments. No wonder certain phenomena described as "pretty" in some languages will be considered "good" in others or expressed in terms of other adjectives - and vice versa. The same is true for negative evaluations.}, abstract={This article aims to present this linguistic phenomenon based on two languages, Polish and Italian. This analysis can be helpful for teachers and translators, as it is easy to assume that the target language evaluates phenomena with the same adjectives as we use in our mother tongue.}, title={Dobry czy piękny? Zły czy brzydki? Moralno-estetyczne rozterki polsko-włoskie = Good or beautiful? Bad or ugly? Polish-Italian moral-aesthetic dilemmas}, type={artykuł}, keywords={gramatyka kontrastywna, język polski, język włoski, dobry/zły, ładny/brzydki, contrastive grammar, Polish, Italian, good/bad, nice/ugly}, }