@misc{Kosowska-Gąstoł_Beata_Te, author={Kosowska-Gąstoł, Beata}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the article is to place Polish parties in the left-right division, understood both generally and through the prism of economic and ideological issues, as well as to indicate their general attitude to European integration and the salience of this issue for the parties. The groups that entered parliament on their own or as a part of the electoral coalitions in at least one of the elections held from 2001 to 2019 were analyzed.}, abstract={On the basis of MARPOR/CMP and the Chapel Hill Export Survey (CHES) data, an attempt was made to answer the question of whether the left-right division in Poland is determined by its economic or ideological dimension, and whether Polish right-wing parties present left-wing views in the economic sphere. It was also examined whether the results of the analyzes would be similar in the case of data coming from different sources (CHES, MARPOR/CMP).}, title={Te same, ale czy takie same? Analiza oblicza ideowo-programowego polskich partii politycznych - różne perspektywy metodologiczne = The same but then again really the same? The analysis of ideological and programmatic face of Polish political parties - various methodological perspectives}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={polskie partie polityczne, lewica-prawica, integracja europejska, programy partii, CHES, MARPOR/CMP, Polish political parties, left-right, European integration, party programmes}, }