@misc{Koźbiał_Krzysztof_Czeska, author={Koźbiał, Krzysztof}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article presents the Czech Pirate Party as a new political party on the party scene of the Czech Republic. It was established in 2009, but it enetered the Chamber of Deputies of the parlament in 2017. Currently, it is the third political force in it. Initially, the party, being a component of the international pirate movement, in its program postulated the use of new computer techniques in democratic settlements, limiting patent and copyright rights, or ensuring anonimity in social media.}, abstract={With time, Czech pirates expanded their programmatic proposals by referring to important problems. They gained public support gradually. The Czech Republic is currently the country in Europe that is strongly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Prime Minister Babiš's government is not doping with the fight against the corona virus. Pirates are among this groups that oppose the government's action.}, abstract={Criticizing the government's action, the Pirates present their proposals. Taking into account the development of the pandemic situation and public opinion polls, it is highly probable that after the parliamentary elections scheduled for October 2021, the pirates will join the new Czech government. Perhaps they will even win this elections - as the first pirate party in Europe.}, title={Czeska Partia Piratów jako nowe ugrupowanie w systemie partyjnym Republiki Czeskiej = The Czech Pirate Party as a new political party in the party system of the Czech Republic}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Republika Czeska, Czeska Partia Piratów, nowe partie polityczne, czeski systempartyjny, Czech Republic, Czech Pirate Party, new political parties, Czech party system}, }