@misc{Miszewski_Dariusz_Kształtowanie, author={Miszewski, Dariusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={The Lubuskie land was connected to Poland probably in the sixties of the tenth century, during the time of fights between Mieszko I and Wieleci tribes. They were fighting for domination in West Pomerania. The people of Lubuskie were probably part of Wieleci tribes and their land was situated on both riversides of the middle Odra. This area had strategic meaning for Poland at that time. Boleslaus III the Wrymouth found a bishopric in the Lubuskie land in 1124-1125, for the Christianization of West Pomerania. After his death, the Lubuskie land was attached to Silesia even though it was more important for Wielkopolska. The land was then connected to Brandenburg in 1252, after a civil war between the princes of Silesia.}, abstract={After World War II only the left-bank part of the historical Lubuskie land was attached to Poland. The German population was displaced under protests and the Polish population was settled down. Polish people came from Eastern Borderlands, central Poland and from abroad. There was only 3% of indigenous population and they were verified. Despite having no historical, geographical and economic causes, the Lubuskie land became a region as a result of a political decision. In the years 1945-1950 it was extender with a historical part of Silesia, Wielkopolska and Lusatia. It was within the Poznań province. Despite a protest it was separated and extended, and became the Zielona Góra province. In 1975, part of the Zielona Góra province was changed to the Gorzów province. Under strong pressure from the local society, in 1999 from both provinces there was established the Lubuskie province.}, title={Kształtowanie się świadomości regionalnej mieszkańców województwa lubuskiego = Shaping of the regional awareness of the inhabitants of the Lubuskie province}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Ziemia Lubuska, historia, świadomość regionalna}, }