@misc{Sługocki_Waldemar_Współpraca, author={Sługocki, Waldemar}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={Borderland cooperation is an essential element not only in building positive relations between Polish and German people, but it also constitutes an important factor in the European integration process. It is a foundation which allows implementing many joint undertakings whose aim is social and economic development of the Polish-German borderland.}, abstract={The European Union`s funds play an essential role in undertaking and creating a transborder partnership. The first positive experiences in the range of realizing investments which were co-financed with the PHARE CBC programme date back to the year 1994. As of the year 2007, the Polish-German borderland faces new challenges, which marks a new period in European Union structural political planning.}, title={Współpraca przygraniczna w dobie wyzwań polityki strukturalnej Unii Europejskiej 2007-2013 = Borderland cooperation in the age of the challenges of the EU`s structural policy 2007-2013}, type={artykuł}, keywords={współpraca polsko-niemiecka, pogranicze polsko-niemieckie, Unia Europejska, polityka strukturalna}, }