@misc{Korcz_Iwona_Kompetencje, author={Korcz, Iwona}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={The article is devoted to the competence of the leader of the Lubuskie province in politics and business. The analysis of competence profiles of such leaders, including psychological, praxeological and sociological competence, is preceded by a theoretical introduction to competence.}, abstract={This includes fundamentals in the range of psychology, praxeology, sociology, law, management and the competence of political science. Apart from the competence classification, more significant roles and leader`s actions are discussed.}, abstract={Next, the article concentrates on the leader`s competence, distinguishing the following types: personal, group, organizational and environmental. The described dominant competence profile of the leader of the Lubuskie province shows the average level of competence represented by them. Economic leaders, however, are much better prepared to lead in terms of competence than political ones.}, title={Kompetencje lubuskiego lidera = Competence of the Lubuskie province leader}, type={artykuł}, keywords={województwo lubuskie, lider, kompetencje}, }