@misc{Eljasz_Dariusz_System, author={Eljasz, Dariusz and Miczulski, Wiesław and Powroźnik, Piotr and Sobolewski, Łukasz and Szulim, Robert}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Metrologii, Elektroniki i Informatyki}, language={pol}, abstract={The article presents the structure and principle of operation of a measuring system prototype designed to detect motor coordination disorders (SP_ZKR) in children. A child will be examine while playing mini golf. The obtained results of the SP_ZKR test studies have confirmed the correct operation of the system prototype.}, abstract={This system will be given to doctors to perform diagnostics on a selected group of children in order to develop a model of diagnostic screening tests. The implementation of this system together with the developed model will enable a screening tests on a large group of children.}, title={System pomiarowy do diagnozowania dzieci z zaburzeniem koordynacji ruchowej = Measurement system for diagnosis of children with a disorder of motion coordination}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={systemy pomiarowe, badania przesiewowe, diagnostyka, zaburzenia koordynacji ruchowej}, }