@misc{Belzyt_Leszek_Liczebność, author={Belzyt, Leszek}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Powiśle is an area lying on the right bank of the lower Vistula. In the period before the First World War it was considered to be the Prussian districts Elblag, Malbork, Kwidzyn, Sztum and Susz. The number of Polish people, who lived there before the First World War can be determined on the basis of the data of the Prussian language statistics, mainly from the years 1890-1910 and the results registers of primary school pupils from 1886-1911.}, abstract={After analyzing these data and correction it can be stated that in the district of Elbląg rural and urban lived small number of Poles, representing less than 1% of the total population. In the district of Malbork, this percentage was higher, but the German population there also strongly prevailed. Poles, almost exclusively of the Catholic religion, probably accounted for around 6-7% of the population.}, abstract={In the district of Susz Polish-speaking population it was mostly Lutheran (Masurians), and there also constituted a distinct minority (16-17%). The situation was much better for the Polish side in the districts of Kwidzyn and Sztum. In the former, Poles could account for about 43-44% of the total, while in the latter - even about 50% of the population.}, abstract={In the period before the First World War, in absolute numbers in the district of Elbląg inhabited less than one thousand Poles (700-800), in the district of Malbork - 4,000, in the district of Susz - 9,000, in the district of Kwidzyn - 30,000 and in the districts of Sztum - 18,000 people who speak Polish.}, title={Liczebność ludności polskojęzycznej na Powiślu przed pierwszą wojną światową na podstawie pruskich spisów językowych = The size of the polish-speaking population in Vistulaland before the First World War based on the Prussian language statistics}, type={artykuł}, keywords={pruska statystyka językowa, Powiśle, mniejszość polska - Niemcy, Prussian language statistic, Vistulaland, polish minority in Germany}, }