@misc{Małkiewicz_Andrzej_Rodzina, author={Małkiewicz, Andrzej and Kuczer, Jarosław and Domke, Radosław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The family of Edward Gierek we can treat as a "red aristocracy". In the communist Poland we called at this term families of the VIP from establishment. They life were much easier and com- fortable then the others. They have easier start, education and, sometimes, gained fortunes.}, abstract={In this paper authors are concentrating on family of Gierek, especially his wife Stanisława and his two sons and their wives. In this context authors want to defend the thesis that this five important people were the members of "red aristocracy".}, title={Rodzina Gierków na Górnym Śląsku jako przykład "czerwonej arystokracji" PRL w świetle literatury przedmiotu. Wstęp do problematyki = The Family of Edward Gierek in Upper Silesia as an example of the "red aristocracy" of PRP in the light of the literature on the subject. Introduc}, type={artykuł}, keywords={elita społeczna - Polska, PRL, Gierek, Edward (1913-2001), Gierek, Adam (1938- ), Gierek-Łapińska, Ariadna (1938- ), historia społeczna, the Elite of PRP, social history}, }