@misc{Witczak_Zbigniew_Stan, author={Witczak, Zbigniew}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={This article deals with the state of the research on the monastery of the canons regular in Żagań. The monastery was founded in the 13th century by Henryk I ?the Bearded? Prince of Silesia and established in Nowogród Bobrzański.}, abstract={In 1284 it was relocated and transferred to Żagań, a much bigger city, what created a great opportunity for the dvelopment of abbey to increase its importance. Many other monasteries of canons have been elaborated, such as canons from Wrocław and Kraków. This proves how big interest historians took in this matter.}, abstract={Unfortunately, the full monograph of the monastery from Żagań does not exist. However, the documents kept in the archives in Wrocław enables to study the history of the abbey in greater details. Reviewing the state of the art on monastery in Żagań is a great starting point for in-depth studies of the history of the abbey.}, title={Stan badań nad klasztorem kanoników regularnych w Żaganiu w średniowieczu = The state of research on the monastery of regular canons in Żagań in the middle ages}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Żagań - Klasztor Augustianów - historia, Żagań, kanonicy regularni, średniowiecze, opactwo, badania, regular canons, Middle Ages, abbey, researches}, }