@misc{Janowski_Andrzej_Antropomorficzna, author={Janowski, Andrzej and Michalak, Arkadiusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The text presents a find of a decorative belt loop recovered in the area of Międzyrzecz. The find measuring: height 69,7 mm, width 27 mm, thickness 3-5 mm and it depicts a male figure in a short outfit with a hood and in tight trousers.}, abstract={The object was made using a cast technique from a material with brass properties, with copper (Cu - 88,44%) as a main component and addition of zinc (Zn - 7,46%) and lead (Pb - 1,53%). Similar objects were manufactured in Bavaria in the second half of the 15th and at the beginning of the 16th century.}, abstract={Until today only several similar belt loops have been recovered, the Międzyrzecz find is the third one from Poland. The finding of this type of items in the area of Międzyrzecz is undoubtedly related to the role of the town in the Middle Ages as an extremely important road junction, protecting the route from Poznań to Germany.}, title={Antropomorficzna szlufka z okolic Międzyrzecza. Z badań nad kulturą materialną późnośredniowiecznych mieszkańców pogranicza wielkopolsko-brandenbursko-śląskiego = An anthropomorphic belt loop from Międzyrzecz surroundings. From research on the material culture of late medieval inhabitants of the greater Poland-Brandenburg-Silesian borderland}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Międzyrzecz, średniowiecze, moda, pas, 15-16 w., Middle Ages, fashion, part of the belt}, }