@misc{Krajniak_Wiktor_Geneza, author={Krajniak, Wiktor}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article presents the history of steelworks colony in Bory Dolnośląskie. The author discussed their genesis and further history in XIV-XIX centuries. The conditions of metallurgical development in the realities of feudal, grange-serfdom and capitalist economy were analyzed.}, abstract={Particular attention was paid to political, economic and technological factors that shaped the number and size of steelworks colony in next centuries. Becouse the metallurgy in the studied area was inextricably linked with Bory Dolnośląskie, the significance of the forest for the permanence of settlement in this area was also analyzed, because after exhausting the bog iron ore resources, the population of steelworks colony found employment in many of sawmills and paper mills that were created on infrastructure base after old forges.}, title={Geneza i rozwój osad hutniczych w Borach Dolnośląskich (XIV-XIX w.) = Genesis and development of steelworks colony in Bory Dolnośląskie (XIV-XIX centuries)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Dolny Śląsk, Bory Dolnośląskie, hutnictwo, kuźnice, ruda darniowa, żelazo, Lower Silesia, iron, iron mill, iron ore, metallurgy}, }