@misc{Warda_Piotr_Metoda, author={Warda, Piotr}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Metrologii, Elektroniki i Informatyki}, abstract={The phase shift between waveforms is caused by various reasons. It can be both useful and redundant information. The phase shift value between the signals is one of the reasons that has a significant effect on the correct comparison of the instantaneous signals values.}, abstract={The article presents the idea and implementation of an algorithm for weighted synchronization of data representing test and measured signal. Synchronized waveforms give the opportunity to compare instantaneous values, evaluate differences and determine an experimental error in information processing in the system.}, abstract={Due to the offered data processing capabilities, the LabVIEW programming environment was used to implement the presented method. The LabVIEW environment was used for implementation. The application algorithm and examples of work results are presented.}, title={Metoda wagowego doboru przesunięcia fazowego do synchronizacji danych pomiarowych = Method of weighted selection of the phase shift for synchronization of measurement data}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={systemy pomiarowe}, }