@misc{Kuczer_Jarosław_Prawne, author={Kuczer, Jarosław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In the Habsburg period in Silesia (1526-1740), especially important, was the problem to rebuild the defensive structures of the province. The whole process was an attempt to take over the system by the Czech king, the Roman emperor themselves. The Emperor tried to deprive the Estates of the Realm of any influence on above mentioned area. Since the Middle Ages, the Duchy of Głogów, especially the nobility, held the most of the prerogatives in relation to almost every elements of defense system. It concerned mainly the consent to the collection of taxes in the event of a military threat, until the always too slow permission to participate in campaigns outside the province, and even the compulsion to take out of the possible imprisonment of the Silesian nobles.}, abstract={Having sat on the Czech throne, the Habsburgs, reaffirmed a number of privileges of the Duchy of Głogów, in which the military supremacy of that state over the whole of this sphere of public life was clearly defined. However, the threat of the Turkish empire of the 1520s proved, that without centralized control of the army, both the defensive objectives and the possible military involvement of Silesia in the defense of the kingdom and the empire were not able to be realized.}, abstract={Based on the ?common move? and permission of individual princes, the military structure remained disordered. Consequently, the whole period of the 16th-18th centuries became the arena of royal-state competition connected with the gradual takeover of military tasks by the Habsburgs. The turning point was to remove the Silesian princes from the hands of Silesian troops during the Thirty Years` War (1618-1648).}, abstract={At that time, the failure of the ?anti-kings? insurrection brought the abolition of the military command of the Realm of the State, the new forms of taxation for the aforementioned objectives, but also depriving of influence on the decisions related to the military destiny of the armed forces. In general, this contributed to the emergence of a modern army, the creation of the Silesian career path in the imperial-royal army, and the increased mobilization of public life around military affairs.}, abstract={Especially important, that the problems of defense, were the basis for the establishment of a royal system, in the broad sense of the modern tax system, as at that time. Although its final shape was established only in the 1720s, but the creation of the fiscal was base already in the 16th century. At that time, not only the property tax was introduced but the military power of individual landowners was determined based on the quantity and quality of their possessions. The nobility was also forced to participate in military missions annually, creating a regular public security system within the principality of Głogów, based on dragoons and, so called, marchers.}, abstract={The obligations of the bourgeoisie were determined by the situation of threats of strategic defense centers, such as fortified cities. Like the nobles, also the cities were obliged to exclude from the annual budget, separate sums for war purposes, which they carried out with great meticulousness.}, abstract={In the future, all this, resulted in the creation of a basis for a new kind of military career and the nobility from principality of Głogów, became a real support of the military system of the state. The potential of the emerging soldier cult was effectively used to include a whole group of colonels and generals to regular armies fighting in the future on many fronts in Europe.}, title={Prawne i administracyjne podstawy tworzenia systemu militarnego na Śląsku na przykładzie księstwa głogowskiego w czasach habsburskich (1526-1740) = The military, social and economic basis for creating a security system in Silesia on the example of principality of Głogów in Habsburg times (1526-1740)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Śląsk, Księstwo Głogowskie - 16 -18 w., Habsburgowie, bezpieczeństwo, Silesia, Principality of Głogów, Habsburgs, security}, }