@misc{Łukasiewicz_Dariusz_Czy, author={Łukasiewicz, Dariusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={When compared with the 19th and 20th c. historical reports, the image of Polish peasants` life and their relations with the 18th century court, as we know today, has significantly improved, and the primary sources do not prove otherwise. Many historians are still critical as regards familiar and paternal relations between the gentry and peasants, but it remains to be established whether their assumptions are well-grounded.}, abstract={The author of the present article discusses analogical relations in Prussia. The views dominant in German historiography and illustrated by primary sources tend to confirm the traditional model of social relations characteristic of the allegiance area (appr.) to the east of the Elbe River.}, abstract={The model included the ever-growing importance of the farm and the increasing exploitation of peasants after the Thirty Years` War. This was accompanied by the growth of the absolute state, first in Brandenburg and later in the Kingdom of Prussia, as well as the growth of a cameralistic concept of ?peasant protection? by the state. In the 18th century, such developments LED to gradual reforms, resulting in enfranchisements in state households, which was supposed to serve as an example for the gentry, who were afraid of changes in their own estates.}, title={Czy chłopom w Prusach żyło się dobrze? (XVIII w.) = Did peasants live well in the 18th century Prussia?}, type={artykuł}, keywords={folwark, poddaństwo, własność królewska, ziemniaki, nieurodzaj, grange, serfdom, royal property, crop failure, potatoes}, }