@misc{Świder_Małgorzata_Wokół, author={Świder, Małgorzata}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The Polish-German Forum, which was instituted in 1976, became a platform of talks and bilateral consultations. Following the imposition of the Martial Law in Poland, its activity was suspended. Due to the significance of the Forum, a series of actions were undertaken both in the Polish People`s Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany, with the aim to eliminate unfavorable opinions which were detrimental to resuming its works. That concerned especially Christian Democratic politicians` public utterances relating the issue of the Polish-German border and the German minority in Poland, or the lack of agreement for representatives of licensed Polish trade unions to participate in the Forum.}, abstract={The Polish party, on the other hand, agreed first of all to have German politicians who were connected with the circles of the Displaced included in the works of the Forum and also to accept the participation of representatives of the Catholic Church and the Opposition in Poland in the Forum`s deliberations. Thus, the sessions of the broadened Forum Coordinating Committee, which were held in Essen in December 1984, were of the breakthrough character. Resuming the meetings of the IVth Forum in 1985 was of priority interest both to Poland and to Western Germany, which the opinions expressed by leading politicians in both countries testified to.}, title={Wokół problemu wznowienia obrad IV Forum polsko-niemieckiego w listopadzie 1985 roku = Around the problem of resuming the meetings of the IVth Polish-German Forum in november 1985}, type={artykuł}, keywords={stosunki polsko-niemieckie, polityka międzynarodowa, po 1944 r., stan wojenny w Polsce, polish-german relationships, international politics, the martial law in Poland}, }