@misc{Łobodziec_Agnieszka_The, author={Łobodziec, Agnieszka}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={Black theological considerations of human existence involve metaphors corresponding to the concept of family . The formation of a beloved extended family may require a redefinition of certain Christian doctrines, an attempt made by some of the characters depicted in Toni Morrison`s ?Paradise?.}, abstract={The separatist, patriarchal leaders of the town of Ruby identify themselves as God-chosen, assume the responsibility of protecting their community from sinister forces, and violently murder women, who presumably embody evil, at a place called the Convent .}, abstract={Theologically, the patriarchs` commission of mass murder is an infraction of New Testament Christianity which mandates love of one`s enemies and a call for seeking out the lost . In contrast, the women of the Convent spiritually console other women, regardless of race, class, and culture, who undergo a myriad of tribulations .}, abstract={In Black theological terms, also the figure of Reverend Misner embodies the hope for future reconciliation between people of varied religious and cultural backgrounds .}, title={The black theological call for an extended global family in Toni Morrison`s "Paradise"}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={black theology, interfaith dialogue, religious patriarchy, global family}, }