@misc{Zhang_Xiaohong_Speak, author={Zhang, Xiaohong and Chen, Xiaomin}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={American confessional poetry surfaced on the literary horizon against the backdrop of the time-honored Western confessional tradition and a clamorous post-War American society . As an experimental poetic voice, it challenged the yokes of all kinds: political, military, moral, cultural and literary . In the 1980s, warm reception of American confessional poetry in China engendered a discourse of Chinese confessions that is markedly poignant, dark and introspective.}, abstract={This paper looks into the making of a Chinese confessional poetics, especially of a discourse of women`s poetry, in terms of shared authorial thematic and stylistic preferences, in interaction with American confessional poetry as a cross-cultural literary construct imbued with political significance . In doing so, it examines Chinese and American confessional poetry as a self-positioning, self-defining, self-articulating and self-interpreting act on the margin of the socio-political domain.}, title={Speak beyond the edge: Chinese and American confessional poetry in a cross-cultural context}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={confessional poetry, reception, politics, women poets, gender politics}, }