@misc{Bednarczyk-Stefaniak_Emanuela_Dwie, author={Bednarczyk-Stefaniak, Emanuela}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The proposed study shows the development of the concept of drama Brother of our God by Karol Wojtyla, from the first version to the second. Both versions of the drama have been considered separately, according to the subject . Descriptive method was applied.}, abstract={Analytical and interpretative activities, which focused on the first ?wale? of drama, helped to expose the importance of the circumstances in which the play was written, which influenced its content and the manner of its presentation.}, abstract={The emphasis has been laid on the presence of the idea of "theatre of words" - the Rhapsody Theatre, on the presence of Franciscan and sanjuanisticspirituality and literary context. When discussing the final version of the drama, its form and ideological message, the author pointed out the impact of the above mentioned spirituality, assumptions of the word-sacramentalium by Karl Rahner, the ideas contained in the song Guest expected by Z. Kossak-Szczucka.}, title={Dwie wersje dramatu "Brat naszego Boga" Karola Wojtyły - dwa sposoby prezentacji przeżyć wewnętrznych głównego bohatera = Two versions of the drama "Brother of our God" by Karol Wojtyla - two ways of presenting internal experiences of the main character}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Jan Paweł II, papież (1929-2005), dramat polski, 20 w., John Paul II, polish drama}, }