@misc{Brasse_Rafał_"Pieśń, author={Brasse, Rafał}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={As an altar boy Tadeusz Gajcy served at the morning Mass in the church of St John of God. Karol Wojtyla joined the clandestine seminary at the end of the war. Their work shares metaphysical openness to the experience of faith, devotion to traditional values, as well as ethical maximalism stretched to the point of radicalism.}, abstract={Both poets stress the necessity of shaping humanity within the eschatological perspective. In this attempt at comparative interpretation, based on the modern elementary theory by French philosopher Gaston Bachelard, I try to analyze the poetic imagery - so essential in the discussed poems by Gajcy and Wojtyla ? the concept of infinity.}, abstract={The idea of eternity in their poems is achieved through symbolic representations of images shaped by a fluid substance (water) and an invisible one (air), that is by creating symbolic forms under the label of boundlessness elements. I will try to show how the elementary elements ? as a result of the contemplation of the idea of eternity ? organize the work of poetic imagination of Wojtyla and Gajcy.}, title={"Pieśń o Bogu ukrytym" Karola Wojtyły i "Po raz pierwszy modlitwa" Tadeusza Gajcego w świetle Bachelardowskiej poetyki żywiołów (próba interpretacji porównawczej ) = "Song of the Hidden God" by Karol Wojtyla and "First of all prayer" by Tadeusz Gajcy in a light of Bachelard`s poetics of elements (an attempt of co mpara tive interpretation)}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Jan Paweł II, papież (1929-2005), Gajcy, Tadeusz Stefan (1922-1944), John Paul II, poezja polska - 20 w., polish poetry}, }