@misc{Bocian_Anna_The, author={Bocian, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={Where should office building concentrations be located in cities? What kind of factors has an influence on its locations? The aim of the research is to examine factors of office locations in cities. Selected office building concentrations in European cities were investigated as case studies.}, abstract={The research method was the spatial decision paradigm. The style, one of the main elements of the paradigm, was selected to answer the research question. The style was defined a composition of existing urban structures. Basic elements of urban composition in selected European cities were examined closely.}, abstract={Research results are conditions of office building concentration locations in European cities in term of urban composition. Such knowledge should be a base of decision-making processes during preparing master plans and city development plans.}, title={The style as a factor of office building concentration locations in European cities = Czynnik stylu jako determinanta lokalizacji koncentracji budynków biurowych w europejskich miastach}, type={artykuł}, keywords={office building, business district, urban composition, budynek biurowy, dzielnica biznesowa, kompozycja przestrzenna}, }