@misc{Lipnicki_Zygmunt_The, author={Lipnicki, Zygmunt and Gortych, Marta and Staszczuk, Anna and Kuczyński, Tadeusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The goal of the paper was to simplify the designing process for mass and energy flow through solar collector - chimney system. Theoretical analysis allowed to get involved system of three nonlinear analytical equations in dimensionless forms that have been saved. Dimensionless numbers for the problem are well known in the literature on fluid mechanics and thermodynamics: Reynolds, Grashof, Galileo, Biot and Prandtl.}, abstract={In the analyzed equations are also dimensionless geometric parameters expressing the ratios of basic geometrical dimensions of the collector system - chimney: the radius disc collector to the thickness gap, the height and radius of the chimney. In the system of equations, the Reynolds number is treated as the determined number, which is a novelty of the method used.}, title={The theoretical analysis of mass and energy flow through solar collector - chimney system = Analiza teoretyczna przepływu masy i energii przez układ kolektor słoneczny - komin}, type={artykuł}, keywords={solar collector, chimneys, air flow, analytical solution, kolektor słoneczny, komin, przepływ powietrza, analiza teoretyczna}, }