@misc{Malyshev_Oleg_Bearing, author={Malyshev, Oleg}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={This paper describes a series of pile tests in sand. T-cross and square cross section piles were jacking by static vertical load with a vibration. Special tests were carried out to examine the influence of T-cross section pile form on it bearing capacity, and the results of comparison bearing capacity on one cub meter of T-cross and square cross section jacking piles in the same ground conditions are described. The jacking vertical static load, sizes of displacements and compaction zones of a ground around a shaft of the experienced piles were investigated.}, title={Bearing capacity of T-cross section piles in Sand = Nośność pali o przekroju teowym w piaskach}, type={artykuł}, keywords={pile, cross section, bearing capacity, field tests, sandy soil, precast concrete, compaction zones, jacking, pal, przekrój teowy, nośność, badania polowe, gleby piaszczyste}, }