@misc{Jaszczak_Roman_Aspects, author={Jaszczak, Roman and Gołojuch, Piotr and Wajchman-Świtalska, Sandra and Miotke, Mariusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={Forest management is a scientific discipline designed to develop methods of maintaining forest areas and to ensure the sustainable development of forest resources in terms and conditions of multifunctional forestry. This is a branch of practical forestry which deals with inventorying and assessing the state of forests, defines economic tasks and draws up a program of nature conservation for forest districts.}, abstract={The paper presents legal conditions related to the concept of forest management plan, as well as issues related to the area division, planning economic indications and their role for the forest environment. Authors present a forecast of impact of a forest management plan on the forest environment and the Natura 2000 sites.}, title={Aspects of forest management in the maintaining of forest environment = Urządzeniowe aspekty kształtowania środowiska leśnego}, type={artykuł}, keywords={forest, forest management plan, objectives of forest management, legal basis, las, plan urządzenia lasu, gospodarka leśna, podstawy prawne gospodarki leśnej}, }