@misc{Kot_Wojciech_Glaciotectonically, author={Kot, Wojciech and Widera, Marek}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The Sieniawa Lignite Mine, situated between Łagówek and Sieniawa in western Poland, has been operating for nearly 150 years. This territory was strongly affected by the Scandinavian ice sheets during the Pleistocene. The depth of these deformations reaches the main and currently exploited lignite seam of Miocene age, the second Lusatian lignite seam (LLS-2).}, abstract={Analysis of drilling profiles and observations of the lignite opencast walls allow documentation of the diversity and abundance of glaciotectonic deformation structures within Neogene and Quaternary sediments, which include upright and recumbent folds, normal and reversed faults, complementary joint sets, injection structures as well as shear surfaces.}, title={Glaciotectonically deformed lignite deposits in the area between Łagówek and Sieniawa, western Poland = Zdeformowane glacitektonicznie złoża węgla brunatnego na obszarze między Łagówkiem a Sieniawą, Polska Zachodnia}, type={artykuł}, keywords={lignite deposits, glaciotectonic deformations, Sieniawa Lignite Mine, Western Poland, złoża węgla brunatnego, deformacje glacitektoniczne, KWB Sieniawa, Polska zachodnia}, }